Current Research
- Causal Inference
- Propensity Score Methods
- Multivariate Continuous Exposure
- Propensity Score Methods
- Longitudinal Methods
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Censored Data
- Dissertation Defense
- slides covering the development and implementation of the multivariate generalized propensity score
Original R Packages
- generate multivariate generalized propensity scores and weights
- assess covariate balance, define estimable regions using convex hull, and implement other common univariate methods
- co-authored with Héctor Corrada Bravo, Jennifer Tom, and Joseph Paulson while working at Genentech, Inc.
- simulate longitudinal differential abundance for microbiome data
- available at BioConductor/microbiomeDASim
- calculate maximum likelihood estimates from truncated normal distribution with censored observations
- now available on CRAN repository for stable release while GitHub contains development version
- visualize longitudinal time trends
- investigate group differences
- scrape data from multiple baseball outlets including FanGraphs, baseball-reference, etc.
- sabermetric exploratory analysis
Recent Publications
Full list of publications available at
Panganiban, J., Shire, S, Williams, J., and Kasari, C. (2022). Supporting peer engagement for low-income preschool students with autism spectrum disorder during academic instruction: A pilot randomized trial. Autism. doi:10.1177/13623613221085339.
Schlink, A., Williams, J., Pizzano, M., Gulsrud, A, and Kasari, C. (2021). Parenting stress in caregiver-mediated interventions for toddlers with autism: An application of quantile regression mixed models. Autism Research, 15(2), 353-365. doi:10.1002/aur.2637.
Sturm, A., Williams, J., and Kasari, C. (2021). Who gains and who loses? Sociodemographic disparities in access to special education services among autistic students. Autism Research, 14:1621–1632. doi:10.1002/aur.2517.
Melamed, K.H, Williams, J., Wang, X., Hu S., Nguyen C., Cui, J., & Deng, J.C (2020). Development of secondary bacterial pneumonia in adults presenting with influenza versus noninfluenza viral res-piratory infection. Therapeutic Advances in Respiratory Diseases, 14. doi:10.117/1753466620963026.
Williams, J.R., and Crespi, C.M. (2020). Causal inference for multiple continuous exposures via the multivariate generalized propensity score. arXiv preprint. arXiv:2008.13767.
Williams, J.R., Kim, H. and Crespi, C.M. (2020). Modeling observations with a detection limit using a truncated normal distribution with censoring. BMC Med Res Methodol, 20:170. doi:10.1186/s12874-020-01032-9
Williams, J., Bravo H.C., Tom J., and Paulson J.N (2020). microbiomeDASim: Simulating longitudinal differential abundance for microbiome data [version 2; peer review: 2 approved]. F1000Research, 8:1769. doi:10.12688/f1000research.20660.2
Dean, M., Williams, J., Kasari, C. and Orlich, O. (2020). Adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and social skills groups at school: A randomized trial comparing intervention environment and peer composition. School Psychology Review, 49(1):60-73. doi:10.1080/2372966X.2020.1716636
Gulsrud, A., Carr, T., Williams, J., Panganiban, J., Jones, F., Kimbrough, J., Shih, W., and Kasari, C. (2019), Developmental screening and early intervention in a childcare setting for young children at risk for autism and other developmental delays: A feasibility trial. Autism Research, 12(9):1423-1433. doi:10.1002/aur.2160
Locke, J., Williams, J., Shih, W. and Kasari, C. (2017), Characteristics of socially successful elementary school-aged children with autism. J Child Psychol Psychiatr, 58(1):94-102. doi:10.1111/jcp.12636