Recent graduate from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) with a Ph.D. in the Department of Biostatistics. Currently I am employed with the Los Angeles Dodgers as a Senior Quantitative Analyst. I have a wide variety of experiences interning in industry along with extensive research work within the field of autism spectrum disorder.

This website contains information about my personal, professional and academic life and is organized in the following tabs:

  • Discover more about my personal life in the About Me section such as some of my favorite hobbies and recent travels
  • Learn about my current research, software development, and publications that I have worked on under the Research/Software/Publications tab
    • Note: my dissertation defense slides are available here
  • For a detailed history of my academic and job experience see my curriculum vitae at CV
  • Alternatively for an abridged version with only the most recent accomplishments see my Resume
  • Discover my opinions and experiences on topics such as programming, and climbing in my Blog Posts

For any questions or to contact please reach out via Email, GitHub or LinkedIn with links to the left.